Apache > HTTP Server > Documentation > Version 2.4

Caching Guide

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This document supplements the mod_cache, mod_cache_disk, mod_file_cache and htcacheclean reference documentation. It describes how to use the Apache HTTP Server's caching features to accelerate web and proxy serving, while avoiding common problems and misconfigurations.

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The Apache HTTP server offers a range of caching features that are designed to improve the performance of the server in various ways.

Three-state RFC2616 HTTP caching
mod_cache and its provider modules mod_cache_disk provide intelligent, HTTP-aware caching. The content itself is stored in the cache, and mod_cache aims to honor all of the various HTTP headers and options that control the cacheability of content as described in Section 13 of RFC2616. mod_cache is aimed at both simple and complex caching configurations, where you are dealing with proxied content, dynamic local content or have a need to speed up access to local files on a potentially slow disk.
Two-state key/value shared object caching
The shared object cache API (socache) and its provider modules provide a server wide key/value based shared object cache. These modules are designed to cache low level data such as SSL sessions and authentication credentials. Backends allow the data to be stored server wide in shared memory, or datacenter wide in a cache such as memcache or distcache.
Specialized file caching
mod_file_cache offers the ability to pre-load files into memory on server startup, and can improve access times and save file handles on files that are accessed often, as there is no need to go to disk on each request.

To get the most from this document, you should be familiar with the basics of HTTP, and have read the Users' Guides to Mapping URLs to the Filesystem and Content negotiation.


Three-state RFC2616 HTTP caching

The HTTP protocol contains built in support for an in-line caching mechanism described by section 13 of RFC2616, and the mod_cache module can be used to take advantage of this.

Unlike a simple two state key/value cache where the content disappears completely when no longer fresh, an HTTP cache includes a mechanism to retain stale content, and to ask the origin server whether this stale content has changed and if not, make it fresh again.

An entry in an HTTP cache exists in one of three states:

If the content is new enough (younger than its freshness lifetime), it is considered fresh. An HTTP cache is free to serve fresh content without making any calls to the origin server at all.

If the content is too old (older than its freshness lifetime), it is considered stale. An HTTP cache should contact the origin server and check whether the content is still fresh before serving stale content to a client. The origin server will either respond with replacement content if not still valid, or ideally, the origin server will respond with a code to tell the cache the content is still fresh, without the need to generate or send the content again. The content becomes fresh again and the cycle continues.

The HTTP protocol does allow the cache to serve stale data under certain circumstances, such as when an attempt to freshen the data with an origin server has failed with a 5xx error, or when another request is already in the process of freshening the given entry. In these cases a Warning header is added to the response.

Non Existent
If the cache gets full, it reserves the option to delete content from the cache to make space. Content can be deleted at any time, and can be stale or fresh. The htcacheclean tool can be run on a once off basis, or deployed as a daemon to keep the size of the cache within the given size, or the given number of inodes. The tool attempts to delete stale content before attempting to delete fresh content.

Full details of how HTTP caching works can be found in Section 13 of RFC2616.

Interaction with the Server

The mod_cache module hooks into the server in two possible places depending on the value of the CacheQuickHandler directive:

Quick handler phase

This phase happens very early on during the request processing, just after the request has been parsed. If the content is found within the cache, it is served immediately and almost all request processing is bypassed.

In this scenario, the cache behaves as if it has been "bolted on" to the front of the server.

This mode offers the best performance, as the majority of server processing is bypassed. This mode however also bypasses the authentication and authorization phases of server processing, so this mode should be chosen with care when this is important.

Requests with an "Authorization" header (for example, HTTP Basic Authentication) are neither cacheable nor served from the cache when mod_cache is running in this phase.

Normal handler phase

This phase happens late in the request processing, after all the request phases have completed.

In this scenario, the cache behaves as if it has been "bolted on" to the back of the server.

This mode offers the most flexibility, as the potential exists for caching to occur at a precisely controlled point in the filter chain, and cached content can be filtered or personalized before being sent to the client.

If the URL is not found within the cache, mod_cache will add a filter to the filter stack in order to record the response to the cache, and then stand down, allowing normal request processing to continue. If the content is determined to be cacheable, the content will be saved to the cache for future serving, otherwise the content will be ignored.

If the content found within the cache is stale, the mod_cache module converts the request into a conditional request. If the origin server responds with a normal response, the normal response is cached, replacing the content already cached. If the origin server responds with a 304 Not Modified response, the content is marked as fresh again, and the cached content is served by the filter instead of saving it.

Improving Cache Hits

When a virtual host is known by one of many different server aliases, ensuring that UseCanonicalName is set to On can dramatically improve the ratio of cache hits. This is because the hostname of the virtual-host serving the content is used within the cache key. With the setting set to On virtual-hosts with multiple server names or aliases will not produce differently cached entities, and instead content will be cached as per the canonical hostname.

Freshness Lifetime

Well formed content that is intended to be cached should declare an explicit freshness lifetime with the Cache-Control header's max-age or s-maxage fields, or by including an Expires header.

At the same time, the origin server defined freshness lifetime can be overridden by a client when the client presents their own Cache-Control header within the request. In this case, the lowest freshness lifetime between request and response wins.

When this freshness lifetime is missing from the request or the response, a default freshness lifetime is applied. The default freshness lifetime for cached entities is one hour, however this can be easily over-ridden by using the CacheDefaultExpire directive.

If a response does not include an Expires header but does include a Last-Modified header, mod_cache can infer a freshness lifetime based on a heuristic, which can be controlled through the use of the CacheLastModifiedFactor directive.

For local content, or for remote content that does not define its own Expires header, mod_expires may be used to fine-tune the freshness lifetime by adding max-age and Expires.

The maximum freshness lifetime may also be controlled by using the CacheMaxExpire.

A Brief Guide to Conditional Requests

When content expires from the cache and becomes stale, rather than pass on the original request, httpd will modify the request to make it conditional instead.

When an ETag header exists in the original cached response, mod_cache will add an If-None-Match header to the request to the origin server. When a Last-Modified header exists in the original cached response, mod_cache will add an If-Modified-Since header to the request to the origin server. Performing either of these actions makes the request conditional.

When a conditional request is received by an origin server, the origin server should check whether the ETag or the Last-Modified parameter has changed, as appropriate for the request. If not, the origin should respond with a terse "304 Not Modified" response. This signals to the cache that the stale content is still fresh should be used for subsequent requests until the content's new freshness lifetime is reached again.

If the content has changed, then the content is served as if the request were not conditional to begin with.

Conditional requests offer two benefits. Firstly, when making such a request to the origin server, if the content from the origin matches the content in the cache, this can be determined easily and without the overhead of transferring the entire resource.

Secondly, a well designed origin server will be designed in such a way that conditional requests will be significantly cheaper to produce than a full response. For static files, typically all that is involved is a call to stat() or similar system call, to see if the file has changed in size or modification time. As such, even local content may still be served faster from the cache if it has not changed.

Origin servers should make every effort to support conditional requests as is practical, however if conditional requests are not supported, the origin will respond as if the request was not conditional, and the cache will respond as if the content had changed and save the new content to the cache. In this case, the cache will behave like a simple two state cache, where content is effectively either fresh or deleted.

What Can be Cached?

The full definition of which responses can be cached by an HTTP cache is defined in RFC2616 Section 13.4 Response Cacheability, and can be summed up as follows:

  1. Caching must be enabled for this URL. See the CacheEnable and CacheDisable directives.
  2. If the response has an HTTP status code other than 200, 203, 300, 301 or 410 it must also specify an "Expires" or "Cache-Control" header.
  3. The request must be a HTTP GET request.
  4. If the response contains an "Authorization:" header, it must also contain an "s-maxage", "must-revalidate" or "public" option in the "Cache-Control:" header, or it won't be cached.
  5. If the URL included a query string (e.g. from a HTML form GET method) it will not be cached unless the response specifies an explicit expiration by including an "Expires:" header or the max-age or s-maxage directive of the "Cache-Control:" header, as per RFC2616 sections 13.9 and 13.2.1.
  6. If the response has a status of 200 (OK), the response must also include at least one of the "Etag", "Last-Modified" or the "Expires" headers, or the max-age or s-maxage directive of the "Cache-Control:" header, unless the CacheIgnoreNoLastMod directive has been used to require otherwise.
  7. If the response includes the "private" option in a "Cache-Control:" header, it will not be stored unless the CacheStorePrivate has been used to require otherwise.
  8. Likewise, if the response includes the "no-store" option in a "Cache-Control:" header, it will not be stored unless the CacheStoreNoStore has been used.
  9. A response will not be stored if it includes a "Vary:" header containing the match-all "*".

What Should Not be Cached?

It should be up to the client creating the request, or the origin server constructing the response to decide whether or not the content should be cacheable or not by correctly setting the Cache-Control header, and mod_cache should be left alone to honor the wishes of the client or server as appropriate.

Content that is time sensitive, or which varies depending on the particulars of the request that are not covered by HTTP negotiation, should not be cached. This content should declare itself uncacheable using the Cache-Control header.

If content changes often, expressed by a freshness lifetime of minutes or seconds, the content can still be cached, however it is highly desirable that the origin server supports conditional requests correctly to ensure that full responses do not have to be generated on a regular basis.

Content that varies based on client provided request headers can be cached through intelligent use of the Vary response header.

Variable/Negotiated Content

When the origin server is designed to respond with different content based on the value of headers in the request, for example to serve multiple languages at the same URL, HTTP's caching mechanism makes it possible to cache multiple variants of the same page at the same URL.

This is done by the origin server adding a Vary header to indicate which headers must be taken into account by a cache when determining whether two variants are different from one another.

If for example, a response is received